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The Ladies Love Transformers (2002)

I was scouting through my hard drive for pix of my Transformers collection through out the years and I really don't have many. I went back to 2002 for this one. I've said it before and I'll say it again... the ladies love themselves some Transformers! Featured in this pic is my gal pal from Ohio, Denise.

In other exciting Transformer news, there is a trailer for the new movie, Transformers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen check that out Here.

Since I'm all about reminiscing, I'll throw in another exciting trailer as well. It will feel like a saturday morning in 1985 again when Transformers and GIJOE have movies coming out in 2009! Check out the GIJOE trailer Here.



Transformers, originally uploaded by Rob Boudon.

People ask me about my Transformers collection so I thought I would capture some of my favorite pieces in video form. Enjoy!


Sony Playstation's Home Is Really Boring

I hadn't bought a TV in over 10 years, so when I decided to pick up a Sony Bravia earlier this month I wanted to see what this puppy can do. I also picked up a PS3, some Blu Ray movies and 2 games (Little Big Planet & Grand Theft Auto 4).

So far I'm pretty happy with my purchase, the Blu Ray movies look brilliant in 1080p. I've seriously never seen a picture this good. I watched Iron Man with my roommate, Vicky the other night and I truly enjoyed it. Vicky enjoyed counting all the smarmy product placements in crystal clear HD.

I've started to tear into Little Big Planet which is super fun already. The design elements of this game are super impressive.

I've downloaded tons of Demos from Sony's Playstation Store which is a really great feature. It's nice to be able to sample the games before you blow $60 on one that you'll regret.

I was really excited to see what Playstation Home is all about. Anyone that knows me, knows that I pretty much join up with any new social network that comes along. However, Home was a pretty big disappointment. Imagine Second Life with a more simplistic user interface, a dull "perfect" world designed by Sony, and here is the kicker... Unlike Second Life, where everyone looks bizarre, here everyone looks just like you! I don't know if this will change anytime soon, but the picture you see above is the closest I could get my avatar to look like me. Meh. What's worse is that half of the other dudes walking around in this world, look almost the same with minor differences. If you want to get shirts or pants that are different, you have to spend real money on them. Ugh. You are also given the option to buy (real money again) furniture for your empty apartment. If you want to chat with someone, you can buy a keyboard for your controller otherwise you must scroll through letters to type words out. Ugh.

My time in Sony's Home was spent like this...
1 minute in my boring empty apartment overlooking the sea
5 minutes walking around in the main area looking around
1 minute scoffing at all the crap I could buy in the mall
5 minutes trying to have a conversation with someone using my controller
2 minutes sitting in the plaza and watching people dance
1 minute trying to figure out how to leave cause some guy was trying to push his crotch in my face

All in all I'm happy with my new toys, but the Sony Home feature I was looking forward to is a pretty big letdown. It's in beta so let's see if anything changes. It would be nice to see them develop this as a community with events and reasons to return instead of figuring out how to get people to spend $1 on a lousy chair for their vacant apartment.


Cutie Patooties

Cutie Patooties, originally uploaded by Rob Boudon.

WE snapped this quick photo near the end of the night and we had a good laugh and how "cute" we looked. Don't cha just wanna snuggle with us?

Anyway, Katya informed me that she will be moving to Miami, Florida for some time and this night was our last time to see each other for awhile. I'm gonna miss having that girl around NYC. But the good news is that I have a reason to visit Miami now! Imagine the photo shoot we could put together down there! I've already started pricing airfare.


Katya - Winter Photoshoot

Katya - Winter Photoshoot, originally uploaded by Rob Boudon.

There are a couple of reasons why we have never done a winter photoshoot before. The most obvious is that it is absolutely freezing out! We could only stand the bitter cold for about 15 minutes. Ugh. The second reason is that Katya loves to be as naked as possible and that won't happen either. Booooo!